Orion 120 ST Upgrade

I really enjoy my Orion 120ST. It's the scope I use the most. This scope is a great performer on deep sky viewing. But one of the cons is the focuser that comes with it, the stock focuser isn't quite smooth enough for easy high power focusing and you can forget about any sort of […]

New Computer

I did not like having to drag my laptop back and forth from the Astro Hut. So we went looking on E-Bay for a computer and found a Gateway Model E4600, Pentium4 1.3GHz processor, 512MB RAM, 37GB HD, 250MB Zip, DVD-ROM. 10/100 Ethernet card included!! for 40$. While its not a top of the line, […]

Telrad Or What

I have a 9×50 and can’t stand it as a matter of fact it was the very first upgrade I did to my Dob. The Telrad is one of those things that when you get one and use it …… HOW DID I GET ALONG WITHOUT IT For star hopping it just can’t be beat. […]


I received my StarShootII yesterday! Whaooo [photopress:StarShootII_1_2_3_4.JPG,thumb,pp_empty][photopress:StarShootIIa.JPG,thumb,pp_empty] My first impression of the camera was how small and light it is, it actually weighs next to nothing! The casing is made of lightweight plastic. I installed the drivers and MaximumDL on my Vista equipped laptop without any problems all! Here’s a picture of some Sunspots 20 […]


The other day I got a different type of Rubylith for my laptops. I had been using Rubylith Acrylic Sheets while these worked good the new Rubylith worked a whole lot better! It comes a heavy-duty plastic sheets that very easy to cut. Its not as thick or as heavy as the Acrylic Sheets. Since […]

Celestron StarSeeker 80mm

Update I have only had a couple of clear nights to use the “The Little Dude” but they were very enjoyable. The Celestron Sky Align is very simple and fast to use. I just pointed at 3 different stars and it came back with MATCH CONFIRMED. You don’t have to know the name of the […]