Lagoon Nebula-2

Last night was one of them nights that it all came together. The CG5 was tracking great. The slews were dead on. The software (AstroPlaner) had no problems. I took a look at the Lagoon Nebula with my OIII and was just amazed by it again! Here is a drawing I did.

Objects in Sagittarius

Sagittarius will soon be making his appearance. So I have put together my target list for the year. I just hope the weather will be kind. M 8 Bright Nebula – Lagoon Nebula is one of the finest and brightest star-forming regions in the sky M 17 Bright Nebula – Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Lobster […]


Messier 22 (M22, NGC 6656) is one of the brightest and remarkable clusters in the sky and next to M13 this my favorite Globular Clusters. M22 is also a great binoculars object! At 10,400 light years, M22 is one of the nearer globular clusters. At this distance, its 32′ angular diameter, slightly larger than that […]

M22 In Sagittarius

[photopress:M22_1.jpg,thumb,pp_empty] click on thumb for a big picture This is M22 found in Sagittarius This is one of the “EASY TO FIND GLOBULAR CLUSTERS“. You can see it with a set of binos very easy. From a dark site I rate this better then M13. It is truly a spectacular globular cluster well worth the […]