Sagittarius will soon be making his appearance.
So I have put together my target list for the year.
I just hope the weather will be kind.
M 8 Bright Nebula – Lagoon Nebula is one of the finest and brightest star-forming regions in the sky
M 17 Bright Nebula – Omega, Swan, Horseshoe, or Lobster Nebula
M 18 Open Cluster – 20 members?
M 20 Bright Nebula – Trifid Nebula, Starforming Nebula
M 21 Open Cluster
M 22 Globular Cluster – one of the brightest and remarkable clusters in the sky
M 23 Open Cluster – 129 probable cluster members
M 24 Star Cloud
M 25 Open Cluster – one of the more remarkable open clusters in constellation Sagittarius
M 28 Globular Cluster
M 54 Globular Cluster
M 55 Globular Cluster
M 69 Globular Cluster
M 70 Globular Cluster
M 75 Globular Cluster – one of the apparently fainter globular clusters in Messier’s catalog
NGC 6440 Globular Cluster
NGC 6507 Open Cluster
NGC 6520 Open Cluster
NGC 6528 Globular Cluster
NGC 6544 Globular Cluster
NGC 6553 Globular Cluster
NGC 6568 Open Cluster
NGC 6595 Emission Nebula
NGC 6624 Globular Cluster
NGC 6645 Open Cluster
NGC 6716 Open Cluster – faint, small, diffuse patch of light
NGC 6723 Globular Cluster – a small, moderately bright globular cluster
NGC 6818 Planetary – Nebula Little Gem
NGC 6822 Galaxy (Barnard’s Galaxy)
SAGITTARIUS, The Archer, represents a centaur – half-man, half-horse, descended from Ixion, the man who dared to lust after Hera, wife of Zeus. Realizing Ixion’s intentions, Zeus sent a cloud, disguised as Hera, to trick him. The offspring of this union was Kentauros, who was shunned by gods and mankind alike. He moved to Thessaly and bred with the mares there, and so centaurs were born. Some, like Chiron, the wise and kindly centaur who befriended Hercules and who is represented by CENTAURUS, were considerate and friendly to men, but many were aggressive. SAGITTARIUS is one of the latter, a fierce hunter with his bow and arrow always aimed at Scorpius.